Be still and know that I am God
Psalm 46:10
It's easy to spot the beautiful archway over the road at the entrance of Camp Living Waters. What isn't so easy is to spot a tiny sign that lines the road just as you come in. (No, not the speed limit sign.) This sign really portrays the heart of CLW and simply states the verse above. The beauty is that there is no need for an explanation on this sign. People get why its there and what it means.
What is really cool is that the simple verse lining our road is evident in what we do. Sure there's activities but we're not going for huge adventure stuff. In the coming months I'm going to work on developing our nature program. One of our goals is to expand the Ranch program by building some rustic cabins for campers. We want them to feel separate from main camp so they can be still with their horses. Another project is Colston Lodge which will be another meeting area so that people can get away from the bustle of the rest of camp.
It is in the creation and growth of an organization that you see its heart. God is very much the same way! We can see in His creation the heart that makes the world spin. He loves us so much that He created a gentle stream flowing over a rocky bed or the wind rustling leaves on a sunny day. We hear the call of the loon or the eagle and our hearts are stirred to stillness so we can listen eagerly for more. Sitting on the edge of Stewart Lake, we can spend hours watching the fish rise on the glassy surface. You see, God created these things for us to enjoy and feel His love in.
Camp Living Waters is a place where we can truly get away and 'be still.' The last week or two I've been blessed with silence on camp and have enjoyed it immensely. Have I missed the sound of kids playing and running around on camp, yes. But the true beauty of being still is that it prepares and refreshes us to go back into a world full of craziness in order to minister to those around us. Please pray that this retreat season we'll be able to live the heart of God in the simple stillness of camp.
Serving and loving people so they may know and grow in Jesus Christ!
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