Monday, December 24, 2012

Year End Giving!

Merry Christmas! This is the time of year when we all think about giving. We give gifts to our family members and friends. Then there is the person who delivers our papers and collects our garbage or cuts our hair. Let’s face it; it’s the season to give. But, why do we give this time of year? I have been considering my own giving habits and how God wants me to give. He has taught me not to hold on to things with a grip of ownership. I have learned to live with open hands and realize that He owns it all and I am only a steward.  I have concluded that He wants me to be a joyful, obedient, faithful steward. He wants me to be set free from ownership and have a heart that is rich toward God. I think we give more this time of year because we follow God’s example “for He so loved the world that He gave…” He gave sacrificially; He gave His only Son that we might have eternal life with Him.
Here is a link to our newsletter that tells about all the great things that are happening in and through God’s ministry at CLW. Would you take some alone time with God this week and pray about what He would have you do this year in your year-end giving?  Whether you give a gift to a neighbor, to your church, to a family in need, or to help Camp Living Waters bridge the gap through our leanest time of year, my prayer for you is that you will find joy in your giving, because you were obedient to what God called you to do with His resources.
The staff and Board of Directors of Camp Living Waters are thankful for you and your involvement with Camp Living Waters and are wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year

Saturday, December 22, 2012

I Have Two Families

Last week we went to Brayden’s Christmas program at school. In between songs they asked the students two questions; what is your name, and what does Christmas mean to you? Then my anxiety rose as they handed Brayden, our five year old son with autism, the microphone. In words only a mom or dad could understand Brayden’s answer was, I have two families. I heard all of the parents around me ask; what did he say, because his speech is very unclear. At first I thought he was referring to the fact that he has an open adoption and a loving birth family that we visit often. Then I thought about the question, what does Christmas mean to you. Maybe, just maybe he was referring to the fact that he is also a child of God and is adopted into His family as well. I wish that more parents at Brayden’s elementary school could have understood what he said and asked the question, what does that mean to have two families? My prayer for all, as you celebrate this Christmas, is that you spread Brayden’s message of the birth of our Savior that everyone can have two families too.

Posted by Michella Saxton

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Did I Just Meet Jesus?

Most of you know our 5 year old son, Brayden. He is as big as they come, smart as a whip and slightly Autistic. Brayden is developing a great personality and we are so excited to see him come out of the shroud that is Autism.
On Sunday most of our family headed over to a live nativity event called, Follow the Star. In the car Brayden asked us what we were doing and we tried to explain that we were going to see a play about the first Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Brayden was so excited to see the animals and ride the tractor pulled wagon. The first station we went to was Isaiah standing at a campfire foretelling the birth of our Savior. For most of the presentation Brayden was looking off somewhere and catching snowflakes on his tongue but Brayden just beamed when Isaiah said the name Jesus. After his presentation Brayden went up to the man playing Isaiah and said “hey, how are you doing?” then he scurried back to me and asked “momma, did I just meet Jesus?” No matter what I said, Brayden insisted that he had met Jesus at that campfire and maybe he did. As you go about this busy season remember that you too may be Jesus to those who come up to you with a simple greeting and an open heart.

Posted by Michella Saxton

Monday, December 3, 2012

Qualities of a Quality Staffer

With summer just around the corner (optimism at its finest) we’re starting to look at staffing! We hope every year to find just the right people for the ministry God has given us here at CLW. If you’re interested in being a staffer, here are some qualities we look for!

First and foremost, we are looking for believers in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The denomination the staffer chooses isn’t as important as a few keys. We believe in a Triune God. We believe that Jesus Christ came to save us from our sins by His death and resurrection. We believe that the Bible, both Old and New Testaments is the Word of God. These basic beliefs are the foundations on which CLW was built and we seek those who agree.

Next we look for people that are excited about the prospect of spending hours and hours each week surrounded by kids! There is very little time at camp to be alone as nearly everything is done with people nearby. Therefore, our staff should be people oriented rather than task oriented. You won’t simply see cabin leaders connecting with campers but every staffer taking a hand in making the camp week an awesome experience.

Staff need to be patient and kind, living out all of the aspects of love as laid out in 1 Corinthians 13.
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Encouraging
  • Joyful
  • Humble
  • Peaceful
  • Willing to try/learn new things
  • Teaching the right way
  • Rejoicing with the truth
  • Bearing, believing, hoping, and enduring

They also need to be fun! We’re not looking for the fun that the world is trying to portray but fun that pleases the Lord! We want staff that teach and guide not only activities but life lessons through the word of God and their own experience. That said, we know that not everyone will have all the answers which is why it’s so helpful to have all the other staff there to support each other!

At CLW we’re looking for other qualities too! Integrity is a must as staffers are setting the example for campers. Willingness to build unity with everyone on staff is very important too. We need each other to face the tough task of ministering to children. Creativity is important as well. Whether it’s in the arts, teaching bible study, or leading activities staff members have multiple opportunities each day to get the creative juices flowing!

So, maybe you’ve got someone in mind that lives out these qualities or perhaps you’re that person! Prayerfully consider contacting us for information on how to apply to be one of our summer staff members! You can contact Dan Gilson at or call (231) 797-5107.